Maddie’s Magical Blog captures my villain origin story in a monstrous collection of journal entries, all gift-wrapped and bow-tied on an eternally public forum. To this day, a neat montage of ten-year old wisdom haunts my existence, shadowing any development I strive toward in its wake. The ultimate mastery of writing was realized in marrying that ancient computer monitor and my fifth-grade self, but should that success mean humanity halt the pursuit of storytelling for good? The aftermath of my peak has seen to a typical coming of age story, the one differentiating aspect arising in my documentation of its entirety.
Since my two-year stint in the mass production of blog entries, I have faithfully recorded the world around me, only adjusting my lens to permeate the feeling that accompanied my experience. A career that assists with storytelling offers a chance to document the world through a new, unfamiliar scope of academia, a challenge that I welcome wholeheartedly. The details of this ambition remains unknown; regardless, I find solace in knowing that no matter the outcome, that devilish catalyst of a ten-year old will eventually have her story chronicled to completion.
Copyediting stands out to me in its anxious attention to detail. I have spent hours exhausting over a list of mental disorders that I predict lent to this tedium, but to no avail. My plagued mind instead finds solace in an entertainment system most suited for its craze: the calculated art of word craft. Assembling words to cohesive thought is a gratifying process, one that is not complete until substitutions are made and structures reformatted. From start to finish, writing takes leaps of faith yet seldom strays from an underlying essence. In successful creation, the writer is fervently loyal to a respective tone, or the integrity of the work may be surrendered to their misplaced rhetoric. The mark of a budded writer is in the establishment of one true tone. It is only at this point that rhetorical decisions serve to enhance, not to distract, and that an anchor may tether any failed leap of faith. My task as an editor is to strengthen this tether and ensure an author and anchor's boundedness, all the while manipulating the freedom with which the writer may leap, fail, and persevere in the process of word crafting.