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(410) 858 6857
Editor Portfolio
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Welcome to my obsession with words
Writing is a holstered weapon, and too few recognize the power and prowess that go into its forgery. Stories conceived in laborious mines are birthed over iron clad plates and beaten into a primed existence. Painstaking detail lends to the defining quality of each instrument, for novelty prevails in the error of authorship. Searing metals rebel and obey, oscillating in paradox, their shapely inclination pressing unfaithfully between true form and potential mastery. No two steel smiths yield the same piece, for discrepancy in manufacturing asserts a defining characteristic. Nevertheless, unique weapons are wielded for identical outcomes, inflicting similar injury but by means of separate impact. Writing may be impressionable, ever-changing, yet its unwavering signature arises in this damage-riddled reader. The reader is dead, stagnant. This is of no regard, however, for the intrigue only arises in how the reader was killed. The fate is truly defined by the mold of the blade, the glimmer of its sheath, and the meaning in its withdrawal.
The assemblage of words and phrases are used for such purposes, granted not so barbaric. Verbiage is manipulated to serve the self, or to offer an extension of oneself and abet the projection of one’s perceived intentions. The aura is propagated in converging lines of text, choosing to convey any one degree of congruent reality. A collection of letters achieves an outcome in the reader, an outcome that is unlocked upon expression of target emotion and epiphany. I am fascinated by the power of words, simply put, and amazed by the significance that lies in their variance. Writing is an asset to inform, to persuade, or to argue. Writing is a weapon, more importantly, and its efficacy grants brief control over the reader’s senses. Positive and negative afflictions alike leave a reader scarred, permanently touched by a story. I hope to one day leave such a mark.
I am a graduate at the University of California, Santa Barbara, with a Bachelor of Science in Psychological and Brain Sciences and a minor in Professional Writing for Copyediting. My passion for writing is only rivaled by a fascination with interpersonal behavior, and I am hopeful that my future will yield equal interaction with both of these fields. Moreover, I am available by phone or email to address any inquiries or to discuss the possibility of working together in the future. There is information about my experience and credentials on the "Work" and "CV" sections, and the "Blog" tab should direct you to samples of my writing projects and editing samples. In the meantime, I bid you a luxurious stay as you meander through my portfolio.
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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Words With Bacon | Editor Portfolio
Isla Vista, California
(410) 858 6857
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